Sunday, March 25, 2012

Spring Is Here!

This past week was truly about the meaning of SPRING. I always tell my kids that Spring is a time for new beginnings. Well, on the first day of Spring, my family welcomed a new baby girl into the family. I have a new niece named Ashlyn. She is so cute!

On to what has been happening in my classroom. This past week, we talked about Spring. I wanted to share with you some of the activities that we did.

First we listened to THE WIND BLEW by Pat Hutchins. Then I had them draw a picture of something that the wind might blow and then finish the sentence The wind blew...

Then we did a little science with the following sheet that I made.

My kinders had a hard time being wrong with their prediction.

I also read HAVE YOU SEEN MY DUCKLING by Nancy Tafuri. I gave my kinders a picture of a duck and a duckling. They had to make a scene with the mom and the baby and then write about their picture. I thought that they turned out real cute.

We will be working on maps and globes this week. However, the best part about this week is that it's a 4 day week!


Tammy said...

Congrats on your new niece. :) The wind blew...looks like the makings of a class book! (We love class books in my room.)

❀ Tammy
Forever in First

Sandi said...

Congratulations on your auntie-dom.
We are reading The Wind Blew tomorrow and making a class reading list of things the wind can blow away. Enjoy your 4 day week.

rubber boots and elf shoes

Lori said...

Great writing!
Conversations in Literacy

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